Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 1-6, 2008 with a Few Extras

I don’t know what it was like for you in your neck of the woods this past weekend, but our area was absolutely beautiful and was the closest resemblance to Spring that we’ve had since last year. We got some flowers planted, grass seed poured and enjoyed the outdoors as much as we could. Days like those are hard to find to scrapbook, because you want to enjoy the weather, but you can always do it at night or early in the morning. Remember to make time for it, while still enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is what has been … Continue reading

The Reasons for Scrapbooking From a Real Life Scrapbooker

In the many years that I have been scrapbooking, I have been asked more than once, my reasons for scrapbooking. While my main reasons haven’t ever changed, my goals and layouts and what they reflect have changed. Most people scrapbook to preserve their memories. Some people scrapbook because it is a creative outlet that allows them to be artistic and utilize photographs in the process. While both of these hold true for me, there is a deeper meaning for me, and I hope that my real life scrapbooking will make you reconsider your own layouts and moments that you choose … Continue reading

Family Project: Your Child’s Year In the Life

This year I’m diving into a new project at my daughter’s behest because it’s her first year in school as a kindergartener. The project requires the help of everyone in the family from both her grandmothers to her cousin to us as her parents. So what does this project entail? Let me give you a small description – for the scrapbookers out there, you’ll definitely understand what I’m talking about – but the idea is not to build a scrapbook so much as to let our daughter do it with the input and help of those around her. As a … Continue reading

Why Create a Theme Album?

A couple of days ago, I was chatting with a lady, Maylei, on one of my scrapbooking message boards, and was startled when she asked “Why create a theme album, anyway?”. I started thinking about how I was going to answer her, and then realized that there is not a proper answer. There are however, different reasons that scrapbookers choose to do theme albums, and this is a small sampling of the most common reasons. Quick Theme albums are a fairly quick project if you have done your research and selected all of your items before you get started. For … Continue reading