Is Scrapbooking Dying Out?

When you’re in the industry as long as I have been, you tend to see different trends come and go, different products reach their height and then die out, and meet people who are scrapaholics and then simply drop scrapbooking all together. I was surprised to see a discussion on a message board which posed the question on whether the whole trend of scrapbooking was dying out. What I have to say to that, is simply no. Whatever the evidence in question is or was, scrapbooking is here to stay. And now with the introduction of digital scrapbooking, it opened … Continue reading

Tips For Scrapbooking With Your Children

Scrapbooking is loads of fun and can be a great way to express creativity. Can you turn it into a family hobby and actually scrapbook with your children? It is easy to do and possible even with toddlers and preschoolers. Don’t just let them make their own layouts, ask them to help you with yours. I can almost hear the gasps of horror go around as you read that last line. I’m serious though. There are many ways a child can help with a layout you are creating, even if it is a masterpiece that you cannot imagine allowing your … Continue reading

Top Scrapbooking Articles of 2007

Every scrapbooker is different. There are different levels that we are at, different styles we use, different techniques we try and different articles and layouts we seek. Several weeks ago, I sent out an email to my scrapbooking pals (22 responded) and requested that they help me out with a poll I was conducting. I asked them to go back through 2007 (January through October) and figure out what their very favorite scrapbooking articles were for each month. I emailed a wide range of scrapbookers from different areas, different levels of experience and different styles so that I would get … Continue reading

The Imperfect Scrapbook Life

Scrapbooking is such a great creative outlet. In fact, most scrapbookers are very happy and calm when they are creating layouts to record their wonderful memories. And why shouldn’t they be? Our scrapbook albums are typically filled with beautifully designed layouts, amazing photographs that almost look professional, thanks largely to some very strategic cropping, and some wonderful, perfect, happy memories. Except, that is not all that our lives hold. Not every day is full of beauty, not every photograph comes out looking totally perfect and certainly not every person has nothing but wonderful, happy memories. It is just not possible. … Continue reading

Do Better Photos Mean Better Pages?

There are many times when I look at someone else’s scrapbook page and think, “Wow! That’s gorgeous!!” Then, I take a second look, and start analyzing (like I so often do) what exactly makes the page look so beautiful. Many times, I realize it is not necessarily the skills of the scrapper, or the great materials they used, but it is simply a great picture. I sometimes feel jealous that I don’t have a better camera. I imagine how magnificent my pages could be if I had a $1500 camera that took perfect pictures no matter how bad the photographer … Continue reading

A Scrapper’s Self-Realization

Doing something artistic can help you realize things about yourself that you never knew. It can open your mind, and your view on things that maybe you did not think you wanted to know anything about. Today, I realized something about myself. While I love paper crafting, and love scrapbooking, I do NOT love card making. I had to put together some cards for an activity for my church for the young girls to make cards to thank someone during this holiday season. I wanted to get the cards pre-cut and measured ahead of time so that all would go … Continue reading

Embrace Those Weird Photos

Sometimes it seems that we only scrapbook the precious photos. The ones that scream, “My baby is beautiful!” or, “I have the perfect family!” But, I say, embrace the abnormal and scrap those photos that show the imperfect moments too. I have found in my scrapbooking that those layouts end up being some of my favorites. After all, life isn’t all smiles and giggles is it? Here are a few examples of photos that are a little out of the norm that I have scrapped: My son crying in his baby blessing outfit. I love this photo. If we only … Continue reading

What You Can Find At Goodwill Series – Shoes, Toys and Electronics

We’ve been discussing the various departments that can be found in Goodwill stores across the United States. So many people have a negative connection with the purchasing of items at a Goodwill store, and I am off to prove that it is worth shopping there. Here are a few more departments and what we found. Shoes It wasn’t a large section, but there were definitely shoes to be found. Yes many were used, but there were more that were new. From summer sandals and flip flops to winter boots and slippers, and everything else in between, was right there sitting … Continue reading

Great Photo Print Prices for January 10, 2008

Printing pictures is expensive, but if you look in the right places, it doesn’t have to be. I’m always on the look out for a great deal and I was rather excited to come across two excellent deals for getting your pictures printed. But like any great deal, you have to hurry to take advantage of it. The best deal is found at York Photo. First, if you’ve never used York photo to get your pictures printed in the past, you will get 20 prints free just for registering. But then comes the great coupon code. You can get up … Continue reading

You Should Be Writing This Down

While photos and videos are great ways of preserving memories of your evolving family, they certainly don’t capture everything. And, saving all those art projects and school papers can take up a great deal of room. Over the years, I’ve found that I appreciate having a written record of things my children said and did, in addition to all those visual reminders and academic memorabilia. You may think that your child’s sayings and strange mutations of words are so hilarious and original that you will remember them–but chances are, if they’re not written down somewhere, they will just fade into … Continue reading