Quick Tips for Your Photos

There are always times in scrapbooking when you need a fast and fun way to display your photos. I have a few techniques that work well time and time again. Here are a few of my favorite techniques. Place the photos right next to each other. This technique works well for a few reasons. First, it allows more space for more photos because you don’t have to allow for any space between the photos. It keeps the design clean and uncluttered. You also save time because you don’t have to mat any photos. Paint the edges of your photos. This … Continue reading

School’s In. Vacations out?

When we send our kids back to school, we have a tacit understanding that it’s going to be months before we’ll be able to take off for a family vacation. Even the holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah and more are about family time so travel is often limited to visiting family destinations. But what if you get a great deal, what harm can it do to your kids to take them out of school for a week to take a family vacation? Is it sending them the wrong message? Are parents in danger of telling their kids that school … Continue reading