August Scrapbooking Month in Review

I cannot believe it is already September. Our children are back to school, today is Labor day and fall is officially on its way. The year is simply flying by and before we know it we are going to be sipping apple cider and watching the leaves change colors. In the Midwest we are already experiencing unseasonably cool weather. Here is what happened in the scrapbooking blog in the month of August. See if you missed anything. How to Get Your Scrap Space More Organized There is nothing more inspiring than sitting down to scrapbook in an organized space. However, … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review

I’ve decided to forgo the typical Week in Review and focus more on a bi-weekly update of sorts here and in my other topics. It makes it far more interesting when there are more things to look at, and it allows you to see more articles that you might have missed. So what’s been up in the scrapbooking blog lately? Many scrapbookers struggle to figure out how to store their scrapbook albums. They wonder what the right things to do are, or perhaps how someone else might do it. In Displaying Your Scrapbook Albums you’ll find a few ways that … Continue reading

Scrapbooking for Others: Creating a Sample Album or Binder

Once you begin scrapbooking for others or getting paid to scrapbook, you might wish to put together a sample album or binder. This is quite a bit different from the Scrapbook Portfolio, and should actually be kept separate. A sample album or binder is usually a book of samples or sketches that the person can choose depending on the number of photographs or layout desired. So why create an album or binder with sketches or samples? It makes the job much easier when you have provided them with a visual guide to what their layouts will look like. If you … Continue reading

Scrapbooking for Others: Building a Scrapbook Portfolio

Scrapbooking for others is a great way to make some extra money doing something you love. It is important to remember to have fun while you are doing it, or you will quickly burn out. It is also important to remember to build your scrapbook portfolio with samples and testimonials from others. Samples: Obviously you are not going to create an entire duplicate page of a layout you have completed for someone else. However, snapping a photograph and putting it in a picture album or scanning it, reducing its size and printing it out and creating a scrapbook portfolio album … Continue reading