Reasons to Save Recipes

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to collect material for a recipe scrapbook. Don’t let the holiday come and go without getting grandma, Cousin Maggie or Aunt Ruth to jot down their time-honored directions for your family’s favorite pies, green bean casserole or stuffing. Once you have the handwritten recipes in your possession, you can work on organizing your memory album. Some scrappers create working recipe books, which feature heavy-duty, plastic page covers. The added protection allows them to use the book in the kitchen and wipe down the pages when spills occur. Meanwhile, other scrappers prefer to design themed recipe … Continue reading

The Easy Way to Cook from Scratch

Cooking from scratch is a great way to reduce your overall food bill. Eating out can cost three or four times as much as cooking at home, on average. Faced with the reality of the savings, why don’t we all cook more and eat out less? Well, one of the main reasons is that the idea of cooking every meal at home when our lives are so busy can seem daunting. Guess what, though? Eating at home can actually be less time consuming than going out in many cases. Plus, if you follow the following advice, you will see that … Continue reading

Christmas Baking

Tomorrow starts two of my favorite days of the year. Every year my best friend and I take two days off work and do all of our Christmas baking. It’s a huge mess, a lot of work but we love it, and so do our kids. When my friend and I were newly divorced we lived together for a while and our kids are really good friends. Our baking days are something they look forward to all year long. In the past we would send them off to school and get down to the serious work of mixing and baking. … Continue reading

The Turkey and Cauliflower Story

A single man becoming a married man requires some adjustments. And then when his wife becomes pregnant … he learns to adjust even more. I was a cook in the Air Force and experimented in the kitchen a lot. I also tinkered with chemical formulas in high school and college. I liked inventing original recipes with whatever ingredients were on hand. A small note: very few food dishes prepared by yours truly in my family of origin were popular ones, and I have fond, funny memories of an LDS missionary companion with a rather long nose (only one-eighth of an … Continue reading

Planting Tomatoes was a Brilliant Idea!

Can I just say how brilliant it was for my husband and I to plant tomatoes this year? I simply did not see the big picture in the beginning. I thought it was boring waiting for our tomato plants to grow. I kept going outside to water and would think it was a waste of time. We waited what felt like months for the small plants to grow big enough to be transferred from the small little pot to the ground. My attitude completely changed when the tomatoes started to grow. When the tomatoes ripened I was ecstatic. It has … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking without Effort

Today my freezer is somewhat stocked with meals that are ready to go. This really comes in handy on those nights when you just don’t feel like making dinner or the times when you want to save money and reduce your budget. Forget the elaborate all day plans that keep you in the kitchen morning until night cooking away. There is a reason that these methods encourage you to do it with a friend. It is a lot of work! While there may be a time and a place to do these massive freezer cooking sessions, I find that our … Continue reading

All You – Now With Exclusive Online Printable Coupons

All You, the couponer’s favorite magazine, has a new website. It is much more interactive, and allows blogging and comments to be shared. It appears that ALL You is intent on becoming a hub for coupon savvy shoppers, and the tie in to Walmart is unmistakable. This can only be a good thing! The big news is that All You is now another source of printable coupons, many of them unique to the site. They’ve partnered with, but the printable coupons are expanded offerings.5 K mart coupon, and exclusives on Mahatma rice, Minute Ready to serve Rice, Carvel Ice … Continue reading

Encouraging Your Teens to Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day… so the saying goes. But try telling that to your family! My younger brother used to hit the snooze on his alarm clock until the last possible second, then throw on some close and rush off to high school without eating. There are lots of “good” reasons for skipping breakfast: I wanted to sleep in. There’s nothing good to eat. It takes too long to make something. I’m not hungry when I first wake up. I want to lose weight. But research has shown that eating breakfast can help boost concentration … Continue reading

The Five Minute Bedroom Pick up

The bedroom can be one of the most neglected areas of the home. Since it isn’t usually a room that is in the general flow of the household or a place that company gets to see, it can get pretty cluttered. This is a shame, because a cluttered bedroom isn’t peaceful or serene for sleep. Here are some tips on having a five minute bedroom pick up. Make the bed Making a bed actually takes less than five minutes. Making the bed is important, because it establishes a routine for the bedroom pick up, and it is amazing how neat … Continue reading

What to Do If You Can’t Afford to Travel for Christmas

This season, many people may be finding themselves without the ability to travel to big family gatherings this year. There could be many reasons. Here are some things that you can do to enjoy the holidays, even if you have to do it at home alone. What are some of the reasons that traveling for Christmas may not be affordable this year? Perhaps it is just a matter of the cost of plane tickets, gas or car repairs. It could also be a bad idea to take off extra time at work when there may be the threat of lay … Continue reading