Three New Coupon Rules You Need to Know Now

Coupons can certainly help us save big on our grocery bill, but my how times have changed. Gone are all of the overage and cash back deals or using multiple coupons for the same products (although you still see some of these practices being done on Extreme Couponing shows, since the stores will usually waive their normal current policies in order to participate). In the wake of the extreme couponing craze, as well as extreme couponing fraud, stores and manufacturers have changed their policies, implemented new restrictions, issued less valuable coupons and made getting some coupons more difficult. In response, … Continue reading

Housekeeping Then and Now

I was recently watching a show depicted in the times before we had electricity. It was interesting to think about how different housekeeping was back then. In order to get the most out of your day, you had to get up with the sun. That meant rising pretty early. And the work didn’t end until the sun went down. I was thinking about how even back then, women kept a schedule. They knew when their day would begin and when it would end. They scheduled their housekeeping according to the different seasons. But they also set aside certain tasks on … Continue reading

Put Away the Excuses

I have heard a lot of women who work outside the home say they don’t have time for housekeeping. In fact, just because I work at home, I have friends say it’s no wonder I can keep up with the house. I try not to take offense to that because the reality is that even though I work inside my home, I still work full-time hours. So it’s not like I really get all these extra hours that others don’t. To me, it’s really about prioritizing and keeping a schedule. I have always kept a maintained home (notice I am … Continue reading

No Excuses

Lately I have been lamenting my lack of creativity. The lazy days of summer have bled into my layouts. Not only are my page designs uninspired, but they also seem static and boring. In talking to my friend about a less than stellar layout I made featuring photos I took on the Fourth of July, I blamed my stale layouts on my lack of money. I went on and on about how my pages could look so much better if I only had more cash to purchase fancy embellishments and paper. Guess what? She wasn’t having any of it. Rather, … Continue reading

Life’s Not Fair, Get Over It

Guilt, guilt, guilt. Sometimes I think I should change my name to include that one word. When I divorced my husband, my daughter’s father, I  had a tremendous amount of guilt. What had I done? How would it affect Hailey? Would this cause her to rebel more as a teenager? If she rebels it will be ALL MY Fault. If she turns to drugs or alcohol, it will be ALL MY FAULT, I tore her family apart. I know I didn’t do it by myself. The destruction of my marriage was a joint venture, my ex husband and I both … Continue reading

Charlie’s Officially Out and Arnold Did WHAT?

Well, you may have heard the news by now, but CBS has officially announced that Ashton Kutcher will be Charlie Sheen’s replacement on “Two and a Half Men.” Sheen had maybe jokingly, maybe not pleaded for his job back during his one man train wreck, eh, tour. A friend has said Sheen is “destroyed” that he has been replaced and so quickly. Publically, Sheen has tweeted his best to Ashton and said CBS got the right guy. However, he later tweeted, “Kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comedic performer … Oh wait, so am I!! Enjoy the show America, … Continue reading

Do You Make Excuses for Your Children?

Have you ever known a parent, or perhaps you are this type of parent, who constantly makes excuses for their child? I know I have been guilty of doing this at times. Sometimes it’s the old, “He’s just tired” or “She doesn’t feel well” kind of excuses. But other times it’s someone else’s fault and their child is never to blame. I can’t tell you the number of news stories I have seen where parents have excused, justified or attempted to blame someone else when their child has done something wrong. A fight at school or on the bus, a … Continue reading

Top 5 Excuses for Not Exercising and How to Overcome Them

Excuses, excuses…everybody has some. Whenever we face doing something we know we should but don’t really want to, we can come up with all kinds of excuses. And this has never been truer than in the area of fitness. So let’s take a look at the top 5 excuses for not exercising and how to overcome them. The first excuse is, “I don’t have enough time.” I mention this quite often in my blogs but I will say it again…we make time for what we want to make time for. Time is there. It is available. However it is up … Continue reading

No Time to Exercise or Just an Excuse?

What’s the number one excuse we usually hear for someone not exercising? It’s that they don’t have time. I used to say the same thing but quite honestly, we really do make time for what we want to do. I have always been up and down with my fitness routines. I can be going good for a spell and then suddenly something comes along to interrupt my day and I get off course. Since I work from home it might seem like I would have all the time in the world to squeeze in exercise. Believe it or not that’s … Continue reading

Bullock Says She Now Can Celebrate Becoming a Mom Through Adoption

Many adoptive parents try to keep quiet about their adoption plans to avoid endless questions during an uncertain and possibly lengthy waiting period. Sandra Bullock may have set a record by keeping all but the closest friends and family unaware that her new son has been living with her for over three months! Bullock spoke with People magazine last week after keeping silent for weeks following revelations of her husband’s infidelity. She told the magazine that she and her husband Jesse James had been in the process of adopting for several years, and she had always thought that “her” child … Continue reading