Add Pizzazz to Plain Paper

Looking to add some pizzazz to your layouts? Typically, when I think of jazzing up an ordinary scrapbook page design I turn to stickers or stamps; however, during a recent scrapbook workshop I learned how to design pretty paper at home. Instead of relying on store-bought brands, I scanned some photos and used them as the background for my own design. If you don’t want to use photographs, you could opt to scan clip art. Regardless of the image you choose, you’ll have to work with photo software or an imaging package to tile the artwork or enlarge it, so … Continue reading

Do Others Think Your Hobby is a “Waste”

I have heard others scrappers say that other people in their lives just don’t understand scrapbooking. I have a family member of my own that also doesn’t get it. Do you have someone in your life that views scrapbooking as a waste?? What do you say to someone who feels your hobby is a waste? Here are some fun ideas: *Tell them that this is your way of preserving your family history *Explain that this is your creative outlet, and while you could just slap some photos in a book, you choose to honor your photos! *Let them know that … Continue reading

Stamp Scrubbers-Are They Necessary?

As a self-proclaimed frugal scrapper, we are always looking for cheaper ways to do things. I do not stamp that much, but when I do, it is such a pain. It seems like it is just more trouble than it’s worth. Part of the problem is that I did not have a stamp pad to clean my stamps when I was done. So, half the time, I just left them dirty. I know! Gasps heard around the world! But, in all seriousness, my friend who has a ton of stamps showed me her stamp scrubber pad, and I was really … Continue reading

Choosing Materials

There are so many options available for use in scrapbooking projects. Depending on the size and type of scrapbook you are using, you must choose appropriate materials. Let’s take a look at the options that are most commonly used in scrapbooking: Scissors While traditional scissors come in very handy for scrapbooking, paper edging scissors can be useful and offer several different options as well. They have scalloped edges, ribbon edges and several other blades for cutting paper to make decorative edges. Stamps Whether you choose wood rubber stamps or clear stamps, using stamps to add designs to your pages is … Continue reading

Free Thanksgiving Decorations and Ideas

Turkey Day is almost here. Hopefully you have your plans all made for Thanksgiving and the Thanksgiving meal. How about the decorations? Here are some ideas for decorating, as well as links to some free printable decorations. If you have rubber stamps, you can make some great napkin holders. Just stamp out a “thanks” message, a general design or even a turkey on to a piece of colored paper. Cut the paper into a strip, wrap it around a rolled napkin and tape in the back. Family Fun Family Fun Magazine’s web site has a lot of great step by … Continue reading

Homemade Halloween Decorations Using Everyday Items

Our current rough economic times call for spirited individuals to get even more creative when it comes to decorating their homes for the Halloween season. The following seasonal art projects call for minimal shopping (and spending). Rather, they rely more on everyday items that most of us have sitting around our house. Scour your home and grab the kids to make these simple (no sewing involved) yet adorable Halloween crafts. HALLOWEEN WITCHES MADE FROM SPARE GLOVES Materials: Glove Fiberfill Black Felt Curly Doll Hair Scraps of Fabric Ribbon Googly Eyes Pipe Cleaner Scissors Fabric glue Black Sharpie Directions: Stuff palm … Continue reading

Wood Stamp Storage and Organization Tips

Wooden stamps have been around a very long time, long before scrapbookers were using them in their albums. So how do you store these little wooden items? It isn’t as cut and dry as the acrylic stamps since wooden stamps tend to take up so much more space, and if you have a lot you are looking at some serious space needs. For years I have been looking for that perfect solution, but long ago I realized that it is totally a personal choice. So what might work for me, might not work for you and so forth. Here is … Continue reading

Looking for a New Simple Technique to Try?

Do you ever sit and stare at your major stash of scrapbooking supplies and wonder what new techniques to try to add a little personality or flair to your pages? If you do, you are not alone. It is typical to find yourself in a rut and wonder what you can do about it. Here are a few new simple techniques you can try and implement into your scrapbook pages this weekend. Fun Techniques: Sculpting Paper Paper sculpture has been around a long time. However I found a new and creative way to use it in your paper projects from … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 1-6, 2008 with a Few Extras

I don’t know what it was like for you in your neck of the woods this past weekend, but our area was absolutely beautiful and was the closest resemblance to Spring that we’ve had since last year. We got some flowers planted, grass seed poured and enjoyed the outdoors as much as we could. Days like those are hard to find to scrapbook, because you want to enjoy the weather, but you can always do it at night or early in the morning. Remember to make time for it, while still enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is what has been … Continue reading

Make Your Own Envelopes

A lot of people these days are making beautiful cards with photos, stamps, trinkets, ephemera, and scrapbook paper. There are entire magazines devoted to card making. Why stop there? You can make your own envelopes very easily. All you need is your chosen paper, a glue stick, scissors, and a pattern. You can download patterns from the internet, buy a stencil pattern, or simply unfold an envelope and use it for your pattern. I like to just use an unfolded envelope. Once you’ve made a few, you can even pretty much guess at the dimension you need for special shaped … Continue reading