Memorable Memorial Day Layouts

For most people, the long Memorial Day weekend means picnics, road trips and beach time with friends and family. While cookouts and camaraderie are memorable components of the holiday, the real reason for the three-day weekend has to do with hard work and heroes. Thanks to the men and women, who comprise this country’s military, we are able to enjoy a litany of freedoms. Their selflessness and bravery should be honored, and there’s no better way to do so than with a scrapbook layout or an entire memory album. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an advanced scrapper to design … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Quotes for Your Scrapbook

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to scrapbook. The colors of the changing leaves, the smell of fall in the air and all the family gathered together over a feast all make for great photos and memories. You will want to remember these memories for a lifetime so scrapbook about it while the time is still fresh. To help you with your scrapbooking here are some great quotes and sayings to add to your pages. Thanksgiving Quotes and Sayings for Your Scrapbook: Judy Hand (author): An open home, an open heart, here grows a bountiful harvest. French Proverb: Gratitude is the … Continue reading

All About Me: Three Things

Everyone has hopes and dreams, things we aspire to. These are things that live within our heart and we might accomplish someday, but maybe not. But what if you had three wishes. Just three simple wishes for anything in the world. What would you wish for? What are some things you really want. These are things that if you could have any three things in the world granted to you, you’d receive. Spend some time thinking about that. Once you have chosen your three wishes, think about it further. Why do you want these three things. Journal about that on … Continue reading

All About Me: Live, Love, Laughter

What is it that makes you smile? And what gets you into a fit of giggles? And still, what makes you just break into a fit of laughter? Everyone needs to laugh, and as the old saying goes “Laughter is the best medicine”. I can attest to that. On my gloomiest, most depressing days, all it takes is something funny to happen, and I’m laughing until I cry! So what is it that makes you laugh? Think about the funny things your children do. Think about your boyfriend, husband or significant other. Do they do things that make you laugh? … Continue reading

All About Me: From The Beginning

A great way to start your All About Me album is to include information from your birth. That almost seems explanatory, but many scrapbookers forget to include those pages about themselves. It could be the first page in the entire album, or you could use the first page as a dedication page, and then create a two page layout on the following pages, depicting information and photos from your birth. Don’t worry if you don’t have any photographs to accompany the information, the journaling itself can serve as a perfect page by itself. But if you do have photographs from … Continue reading

All About Me: What’s Your Sign?

It’s the old familiar pick up line – “Hey, What’s Your Sign?”. Horoscopes are fascinating, even if you don’t believe in them. They are fun to read and can provide entertainment for a few laughs. Astrology is interesting in it’s own right, if you take the time to read about it. Even if you don’t believe. However, some people take horoscopes seriously, and some are truly content with just occasionally looking at them just to see, just to check and find out if they are true. No matter which type of person you are, and how you feel about horoscopes … Continue reading

All About Me: Where Were You When….?

Following in the footsteps of an article I wrote earlier last week, titled Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning, I thought a different sort of page was interesting for your all about me album. It’s important to include world events in an album, simply for prosperity down the road. It’s a fascinating thing when you can read journaling from someone who has been through what you read about in your history books. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to show your grandchildren and future generations what you remember about events that have changed history? It’s time to … Continue reading

All About Me: The Car You Drive

Do you remember your first car? What color it was, the make and model? Was it a brand new car that you saved up to buy? Or was it an older model, possibly even a hand me down? Did you even get a car or did you drive around mom and dad’s grocery getter? What about now? Are you driving your dream car, or is it still just a dream? Go out to your garage or your driveway and take some photos of the cars that you drive. Then, create a layout using those photographs. Journal about the vehicle. Is … Continue reading

All About Me: Fall Family Traditions

With fall poking it’s head just around the corner, I thought it was a good time to discuss our fall traditions. This makes for a perfect layout in your all about me album, and could almost be updated in your yearly album each year as you add family traditions. Think long and hard about what fall means to you. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Autumn’. Personally, I think of leaves changing colors, brisk air with the smell of nature, crunching leaves beneath my feet, the smell of pumpkin pies, reaching up to pull that plump, … Continue reading

All About Me: Friendships

Friendship is a vital part of who we are. Everyone needs friends, but everyones needs from a friendship are different, just as each friendship itself is different. Some people are content having only one or two very close friends, and others need larger groups of friends. If you have two friends or you have a hundred, commemorating those friendships in your scrapbook album are extremely important. Not to mention that much like “Chicken Soup for the Soul” it does your heart good to remember what makes each friendship you have special. Several months back I created a themed album on … Continue reading