Organization for a Half Bathroom

Our half bathroom, on the main floor gets a lot of use. It is one of the central hub of our home. The family, the kids’ friends, service people, even casual visitors wind up using it. Because of this, it has to be stocked with various items. from extra rolls of toilet paper and several hand towels, to band-aids and antiseptic, to tissues, combs and lotion. Not wanting to go all the way up or down the stairs, certain dirty clothing items, such as stray socks, hand towels and jackets wound up accumulating in the corner of the bathroom since … Continue reading

Photo Organization

Before you go on a scrapbooking night with the girls or sit down on a quiet evening to make one scrapbook page make sure your photos are organized. The last thing you want to do is organize your photos on scrapbook night. I made the mistake of bringing a huge pile of photos to a scrapbook night and spent the whole evening organizing photos and never got a page done. It would also be a shame if you left out some great pictures because you simply could not find them. Take a day to devote to organizing your photos whether … Continue reading

Can I homeschool and have a clean house at the same time?

Many new homeschooling moms ask, “When do I have the time to clean the house if I am homeschooling all day?” Dividing your day between school and housework can prove difficult. As moms, we tend to think that we have to do it all. We also tend to think that every other mom out there is managing better than we are. There are only so many hours in the day and some days you will have to choose between a good school day and a clean house. Relax, you are not the only homeschooling mom with a dish or two … Continue reading

Paper Storage and Organization Tips

Paper is what most scrapbookers have the most of in their stash. There are two different types that need to be stored and organized – patterned paper and cardstock. In between those are the specialty papers like mulberry, velvet, vellum and others. So how does one go about organizing and storing their paper? There are two methods of storage; vertical and horizontal. There isn’t one way that works better than the next, it is a personal choice and a space issue. If you have nowhere to store your paper, than you are a bit flexible in how you achieve the … Continue reading

Ink Pad Storage and Organization

Stamp pads can accumulate quickly, with all the luscious colors out there, and all of the different companies. From one company alone I have 35 different colors, not to mention a variety of other stamp pads and types. So what do you do when the stamp pads add up and the way you are storing them isn’t working for you? Over the years I have seen lots of different storage methods, but my favorite by far is the way that I have them stored. The reason I love it so much is because it was a totally FREE item that … Continue reading

Coffee and Scrapbooking – Organization and Storage You’ll Love

If you have been reading the scrapbooking blog for any period of time at all, you would know that finding innovative scrapbook storage is a major goal for me. On everything from ribbon storage to finding a way to store pens and markers, to finding items in weird places, I am always on the watch for something new! I have discovered a way to enjoy two of my favorite things, well perhaps three when you think of organization. I am a major coffee drinker and periodically I treat myself to the Starbucks or Godiva chocolate coffee drinks you can buy … Continue reading

5 Great Organizational Tips For Your Scrapbooking Area

Organizing could almost be considered a hobby all on its own. Many people actually enjoy the process of organizing and seem to almost always have some project going at one time or another. I love to organize, especially when it comes down to my scrapbooking. Being able to find something fast is important as well as a prime key to my productivity. Here are 5 great scrapbooking tips to get you organized: 1. Project Drawer – Having a project drawer is an awesome way to store projects that are currently in use. You can purchase something specifically for it, or … Continue reading

Organization: Scrap Paper Scissors Mini Tote

With Springtime here finally, everyone around me is already getting ready for Spring Cleaning. So I decided to work on it myself too. Along with Spring cleaning, is a little bit of organizing too. I’d like to take the rest of March and part of April to share some great Organizational products and ideas with you. Have you seen this nifty tote by Scrap Paper Scissors? It’s called the Mini Organizer, and don’t let its name fool you. It holds a whole lot of scrapbooking stuff or any other craft you are into! This gorgeous little tote comes in all … Continue reading

Tips for Managing Your Scrapbooking Organization

Traditional scrapbookers have a lot of stuff. There’s all that paper that needs to be stored. And then there is all the pens, markers, inks, ink pads, stamps, embellishments of every shape and size. It can be overwhelming when you are trying to figure out how to store or organize it all. Not to mention it can be expensive. Recently I have undergone a massive overhaul project of sorting, purging and organizing my stash. I own my own home business, so I need the space to make room for the new stuff I must carry and create with. Here are … Continue reading

Photography Potpourri—-NO To “Cheese” and YES to Hats

In the last couple of weeks I’ve provided tips on how to capture frameworthy shots and what to do when you don’t have enough frames to preserve your prize-winning photos. Shooting the perfect picture and organizing the end results… you’d think I would have exhausted all of my advice by now, but you’d be wrong. I have a few additional tips I wanted to share with you. (When my daughter was an infant she would wear a different hat nearly everyday.) JUST SAY NO TO “CHEEEESSSSE.” It’s the universal method for getting photo subjects to smile (or least contort their … Continue reading