Picture Problem

Does this photo look familiar? If you are like me, you likely have a few dozen Fourth of July-themed pictures to place in your summer scrapbook. Whereas I am pleased to have captured so many decent shots of fireworks, family members, friends and other holiday festivities, I am now faced with the challenge of whittling down just a few select images to feature on a single layout. For me, it’s one of the most daunting scrapbooking tasks. When it comes to picking just a handful of photos to include on a page, my indecisiveness rears its ugly head. I have … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Made Too Easy?

My daughter’s first grade graduation party went off without a hitch. She celebrated the milestone with family, friends, and a huge five-tiered chocolate cake. In addition to the sugar and smiles, my soon-to-be second grader scored a gaggle of gifts, including a beginner’s scrapbook. Interestingly, my daughter didn’t quite know what to make of the book containing pre-made layouts. Since I am a relatively avid scrapper, I have always allowed her to make page designs from scratch using my stash of photos and embellishments. The album she was presented with includes decorations and mats for photographs, so there is little … Continue reading

A Family Affair

Why not make scrapbooking a family affair this holiday season? Christmas is the perfect time to get immediate and extended members of your clan involved in creating a scrapbook. While it’s unrealistic to think that every family member is going to jump at the chance to flock embellishments or arrange die cuts, there are a number of ways you can get even the most unenthusiastic members of the group to contribute to a family memory book. For starters, you can use family gatherings to interview the oldest members of your clan. Sit down with great-grandma or great-Aunt Sue and get … Continue reading

Financial Football

I admit it. I’m not a football fan. I’ve never been a football fan. I can’t see that changing. I will watch the Super Bowl with family and friends because it’s an event. For me, it’s not about the game; it’s about being with those family and friends. The commercials are usually pretty good too. When we still lived in California, I’d go to my sister’s house to watch the Rose Bowl game for the same reason. The closest I get to watching football now is every October when the reality show Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team comes on. … Continue reading

The Greatest Scrapbooking Challenges

Scrapbooking is a fun and creative hobby, which helps to create a lasting legacy for our future generations. For some it is nothing more than a creative outlet, but for many of us, it is truly a hobby in which we enjoy getting our photographs scrapped and into our albums and showing them off to our family and friends. Yet still, no matter how much we love our hobby, there are challenges that many of us face. Here are the three greatest scrapbooking challenges. Time It has been said before, time management has become such a problem for many that … Continue reading

Fun Educational Games for the Whole Family

There are certainly many classic family games that are loads of fun no matter the age. Games like Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Hi Ho Cherry O, Clue, Life and Monopoly are extremely popular in plenty of households. But have you gotten to know some of the new family entertainment out there? Apples to Apples This is probably one of our favorite games. It is a game of comparison and can be played by kids of all ages now that they have a junior version. It’s so much fun to play, and yet they are still learning plenty about adjectives and … Continue reading

Friends: You Just Never Know Who You Have in Common

Last night a very weird thing happened: Wayne and I realized a friend of mine was married to a friend of his. Maybe not so unusual in and of itself, but we’ve known both of them separately for years and they’ve been married a while. Except it wasn’t until last night that we made the connection. Here’s what happened. I got a belated Christmas letter from Peggy, a friend I’ve known since I was a little girl. We knew each other through our dads. Growing up my dad had a good friend, Ralph, he sometimes hung out with on weekends. … Continue reading

Therapeutic Scrapbooking

Do you ever wonder if you would benefit from some honest to goodness therapy? We all hit rough spots in our lives, it is part of normal living. However, if you pick up the average scrapbookers albums and start flipping through, you might come to the conclusion that they have the perfect life. Why is this? Because we tend to only scrapbook the positive, happy memories. We want our albums to reflect happy times and not dwell on problems we have had in the past. Except those events in your life that were less than wonderful, help shape who you … Continue reading

Organizing All Those Photos

It’s a dilemma all snap happy parents face at one time or another—how to organize the thousands of pictures accumulated from just a month’s worth of shooting. (When you’re a snap happy parent “thousands” is not an exaggeration.) The following are a few strategies I use to help manage my mountain of photos that grows by the day. PURGE—–Know when to hold them… know when to throw them. Not exactly classic Kenny Rogers, but you get the idea. Keep the frame-worthy shots and toss the rest. Don’t hang on to blurry, redundant, unflattering, or bad shots. This strategy is effective … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts

Portraits seem to be a challenge for many scrapbookers to turn into layouts. I’m not sure if it is because you are left with so many pictures, a very common complaint. Or if it is because of the many different sizes you receive in a portrait package. Perhaps its because not all portraits are captured at a studio, or you get the shots yourself, and most scrapbookers want to make the perfect layout to go with them. I have no idea what it is, but I am on a quest to make scrapbooking your portraits easier. There are several factors … Continue reading