Christmas Collage

I gave up featuring just one photo on our family’s Christmas card shortly after giving birth. There’s no way I can choose a single picture that sums up an entire year of milestones. Fortunately, with advances in technology, I don’t have to. For the past five years I have created photo collages and added them to our Christmas cards. Creating unique collages from ordinary pictures is easier than ever thanks in large part to photo editing software programs. In addition to being readily available and relatively affordable, you don’t have to be a computer whiz or a professional photographer to … Continue reading

Scrapping Christmas Past

If my mother had her way digital scrapbooking would be something you’d only see in the movies or on TV like… Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Needless to say, my mom has not exactly embraced advances in the world of scrapbooking, especially if they involve technology. She is old school all the way. Really old school; as in early 1900’s old school. My mom is a huge fan of vintage scrapbooking. In fact, she is currently working on a Christmas-themed heritage album. Whereas she is not filling the pages with photos of my great-great grandparents, she is using a … Continue reading

Adding Color to Your Layouts

Is it too early to make a New Year’s resolution? As I look back at the scrapbooks I created in 2011, I’ve noticed that they lack color variations. I tend to use the same shades on different layouts. Whereas I am good at incorporating an array of embellishments, they tend to be in the same color family. Obviously, if you are creating a layout with a theme, such as high school graduation, and you are using your child’s school colors as the focus, then it makes sense to stick with the same hues. However, if you are designing a layout … Continue reading

Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

Now that Thanksgiving is over and Advent has officially begun, my family is really getting into the Christmas spirit. It also helps that we put up our tree yesterday. Fa-la-la-la-la and ho, ho, ho! It’s off to create memorable holiday scrapbooks I go. Every year I swear that I am going to be more organized when it comes to collecting material for my Christmas scrapbook. I’m tired of creating the same, boring timeline of events: buying the tree, decorating it, baking cookies, listing presents everyone received, blah, blah, blah. It seems all of my layouts blur into one. They all … Continue reading

Christmas Cookie Scrapbook

Now I’ve seen everything. Yesterday I popped into my local scrapbook supply store to pick up an extra pack of holiday-themed stickers for a layout I am creating to display my daughter’s school Christmas concert photos, but what to my wondering eyes should appear: a Christmas cookie scrapbook. I’m not sure I would have believed it unless I saw it with my own two eyes. Sitting in the middle of the display table was a pimped out Christmas recipe scrapbook filled exclusively with amazing photos of the most divine cookies known to man and directions on how to make them … Continue reading

Twelve Month Layout

As the year comes to an end, I am planning to do a 12-month layout for my son’s scrapbook. Since my son’s birthday is in December, it is a layout of his entire year as a two-year-old. If he were born in another month, I would consider doing a layout beginning with his birth month, but since his birthday lands the same as the calendar year, it makes it even easier. I plan to do January through June on the first page of the layout and July through December on the second page. I will do a themed border and … Continue reading

Creating a Christmas Layout

It is the season of giving and making memories. We want to preserve our Christmas memories with photos in our scrapbooks. What is the best layout for our Christmas photos? Here are some ideas: A scrapbook is a way in which we can be creative and record memories on paper with photos, sentiments and embellishments. That said, take a look at Christmas decorations. I’m going to use the decorating theme I used in my home as the theme for my Christmas layout in my scrapbook. I used reindeer as the theme for my decorating. I have a collection of reindeer … Continue reading

Creative Collages Scrapbook Layouts

Designing scrapbook layouts is a fun way to give your scrapbook personality. There are so many options for scrapbook layouts, it is often hard to decide on just one layout. Personally, my favorite layouts always include photo collages. I enjoy creating collages of my son for his scrapbook. For example, if we went to the beach and I took photos of him playing in the sand with a beach ball and holding a sea shell, I would create a layout and make a collage of those three photos. Then, I would design a page with shell designs around the edges, … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Blog Month in Review – October 2008

It hardly seems plausible that October is over and we are now staring ahead into November. Before I blink again, I am afraid Christmas will be here and I won’t know where the time went. Before you get all wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, be sure to check out what happened in the scrapbooking blog last month. I’d also like to encourage you to come back and visit frequently in the upcoming weeks for great gift ideas, new products and of course plenty of project ideas and other great scrapbooking related information. Here’s what … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Your Yearly Christmas Portrait

Earlier I posted an article in the photography blog, on The Christmas Photo Shoot. Basically, it is about that time of year again, to start planning your yearly Christmas photo to include in your Christmas cards, or just to keep for yourself. The one challenge I have faced with the Christmas portrait is how to include it in my albums, so here are a few ideas to get you started on creating fabulous Christmas portrait layouts. No matter how you decide to scrapbook your layouts with these photographs, you might also enlist some “behind the scenes” photography too. Have someone … Continue reading