Top 10 Scrapbooking Organizational Articles

Organization is key to a productive scrapbooking hobby. Knowing where your things are, and being able to access them easily is key to time management and giving yourself a bit more time to scrapbook. These are the top 10 articles on scrapbooking organization. I hope they help you as much as getting organized has helped me with my scrapbooking. It’s a whole lot easier to get some pages complete when I know what I have and where it is. 1. Color Sorting For Organization Color sorting has become a favorite, easy to use way, for scrapbookers to organize their dozens … Continue reading

Small Embellishment Storage and Organization: Pulling It All Together

There is simply no right or wrong way to sort, or organize your small embellishments. What you need to factor in, is the cost of your storage supplies, and how much of a budget for organizing you are on, as well as where you plan to store the items once you get them organized and into their proper storage containers. Space is very often another consideration. In an earlier article, I discussed sorting the embellishments to prepare them for actual storage. I also gave you some ideas of storage items you can use to store all these tiny embellishments. Hopefully, … Continue reading

Small Embellishment Storage and Organization: Getting Started

Small embellishments can be a real problem, when you are organizing your scrapbook space. Typically the reason is, because we tend to have so many different items. From buttons to eyelets. And brads, beads and charms too. It is just a chaotic mess, when you don’t know proper storage methods. First things first, you must figure out how you want to organize your embellishments. Not how you want to store them, but how you want to organize them before you store them. While there are dozens of ways to organize small embellishments, my preferred method is to first organize by … Continue reading

Organization: Learning About Storage Solutions

Now that you have gone through your scrapbooking supplies, and figured out exactly what you have, and hopefully taken the time to sort your supplies, you are ready to get to work. Okay, so I know that sorting all those supplies took a lot of work too. In addition, you probably have quite the mess staring you in the face with all those piles of supplies. But I promise, it will be worth it at the end. While you may have already found an organizational method that has worked for some supplies, you are probably still in need of organization … Continue reading

Organization: Sorting Your Supplies

As you know, organizing is a big task. Some people only need to organize a little, and still others need to organize their entire scrapbooking areas. Many scrapbookers are in need of storage solutions for often used supplies, and still others are looking for storage solutions for everything. So where exactly do you start? Simple – from the very beginning. The first step to effective organization is to figure out what you have. In order to do this, you must first sort all of your materials and supplies into categories. It is also easier to do this by sorthing them … Continue reading

Getting Organized

Whereas I miss spending lazy summer days with my seven-year-old, I have to admit there are some perks to having her out of the house and back in school. If you’ve ever attempted to clean your kids’ rooms while they are in it, then you know what I’m referring to. Try sorting through mountains of old art projects in an attempt to save some and toss the rest, and you know that the task can be akin to Chinese water torture. “You’re throwing that away!” my little Picasso screams each time I try to recycle even the most obscure art … Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Scrapbook Space

Have you seen the viral video featuring the woman who lives in a 90-square-foot studio in Manhattan? Sure, it’s located across from Lincoln Center and a block from Central Park, but the place is smaller than most suburban bedroom closets. Lucky for her, she’s a professional organizer and her dad’s a bankruptcy attorney, so she knows how to make do with few things, and the items she does have are perfectly placed throughout the tiny apartment. Her story got me thinking about spring cleaning my scrapbook space. Sadly, my little scrapbooking nook is about the same size as the woman’s … Continue reading

Reuse Egg Cartons and Save

This morning I was making a large batch of egg muffin sandwiches. My husband asked for more things to take to work for breakfast and English muffins were on sale this week. Of course, I wound up with a couple of empty egg cartons when I was done, which got me thinking about how they can be reused to save money and the environment. All of these ideas will do both, save yourself or someone else money and prevent the egg cartons from winding up in the trash. Of course, they can be recycled, too, but wouldn’t it be nice … Continue reading

Spring Closet Cleaning

Where do I sign up for a HGTV cleaning pro to come to my house and revamp my closet? I need someone to help me deep-clean and organize my walk-in. Sabrina Soto… Vern Yip… Genevieve Gorder … PLEASE!! Actually, my closet is not dirty, but it could use some restructuring. I am blessed to have a fairly large closet, but I know I am not using the space as effectively as I could be. I’ve taken stabs at trying to organize my bedroom closet. Some have worked better than others. The winners are: Seasonal Rotation If space is exceptionally tight, … Continue reading

Organizing the Family Room (2)

Ready to start organizing that family room with me? I really want to get to the point where we have a family room that we can be proud of. Do you have your own family room that can use some organization? Are you up for the challenge? I really hope we can share our adventures. As I mentioned in the previous article, our list for the family room includes the following challenges: Books Magazines Video tapes and DVDs Cassettes, CDs and records Games I’ve already tackled the books, so let’s hit the next thing on the list. Magazines As for … Continue reading