Project Life- A Different Way to Scrapbook

I ran across a different concept in scrapbooking that might be a great way for a person thinking about scrapbooking to try their hand at it. Although, this product is not specific to beginning scrappers, it can be used by anyone. I liked the idea of this as an avid scrapper myself, and thought I’d share. The product is called Project Life. Started by a Mom passionate about scrapbooking, this is a cool way to get started on your scrapbooking for the upcoming year, or start it right now! Basically, it is a kit that can be either digital or … Continue reading

Have You Seen the Modern Homemaker Line?

I am a homemaker myself. I made that choice when I decided to have kids. But, the term “homemaker” has always sounded old-fashioned to me. Anyone else feel this way? Well, whether or not it sounds old-fashioned, when we make the choice to stay home with our kids and be Moms, and give up careers, or other interests, we are in fact, making homes…right? Well, there is a line of scrapbooking papers and embellishments that I have to admit caught my eye. It is called Modern Homemaker by October Afternoon. This line is one that I want to add to … Continue reading

So THANKFUL for Scrapbooking

In the season of Thanksgiving, and all things yummy, I am thankful for many things. Just one of which is scrapbooking. While it may seem trivial to some, or a “waste” of time and money, I am truly grateful for this hobby which means so much to me. Since Thanksgiving was yesterday, hopefully we all had the chance to express to our friends and loved ones the more important things that we are thankful for like good health, family, friends, etc. But, just for fun, today, I want to express the things I am thankful for about Scrapbooking. 1. It … Continue reading

Online Courses in Scrapbooking

Did you know that you could teach yourself how to scrapbook through Free online courses? It’s true! Maybe you want to learn how to use your Cricut better, or you want to learn about digital scrapbooking, whatever the case, there is probably a course out there for you! Here are a few courses currently being offered on Digital 101-Everything you need to know about getting started in digital scrapbooking. Making the Most of your Die Cut Machine- This helps you learn more ways to use that Cricut, or other die-cutting machines! Super Sketches- Get a new sketch each for … Continue reading

Buy Your American Girl Scrapbook Supplies For Christmas

I have a few nieces that are right in the middle of those pre-teen years. My daughter is still too young for that, but she thinks she is as old as they are. Something I always struggle with is what to get them for birthdays and Christmas. I ran across some adorable ideas recently on Did you know that the American Girl brand makes great craft supplies for this age group? I didn’t. Maybe this is common knowledge, but what a great idea for Moms that scrapbook to share their fun with their daughters with one of their favorite … Continue reading