Does A Career Path Run In Your Family?

Sometimes, families have traditions that involve career paths. Whether it is a family business or children following in their mother’s or father’s career footsteps, careers that have a family connection can bring together people from different generations in the workplace. While I have no experience with family – related career traditions, I can only imagine that it makes for a very interesting experience, for better or for worse. Today, I saw a very interesting program on PBS about Mohawk ironworkers. Since the Mohawk are a First Nations people, they have tribal as well as nuclear family connections. One group of … Continue reading

Family Traditions

I think traditions become even more important when you are a single parent. Hailey was ten when I got divorced, our holiday traditions represented continuity and security for her, she knew what to expect this strange first Christmas in an apartment. I tried really hard to make sure we still did all of the things we had done in our home as a family. We strung Christmas lights on our little balcony. The tree went up the day after Thanksgiving and Hailey still got to put the angel on the top, although it was a little harder for me to … Continue reading

The High Price of Fall Family Fun

(U-pick pumpkin poster child.) Imagine paying $50 for five pumpkins. Five mid-sized pumpkins… that are not filled with gold and didn’t come served on a silver platter. Not these bad boys. These $50 pumpkins were picked in a sandy, dirt-filled patch on an unseasonably warm day by bloody hands that were pierced by the heavy, gourd-like squash’s prickly stem… all in the name of fall family fun. Clearly, I’ve forgotten how much good ol’ fashion family fun can set a clan back these days. My family’s annual trip to the u-pick farm cost 50 bucks, but the memories–oh, the memories–well, … Continue reading

Making Fall Memories

As a single mom I’m always trying to find fun things to do with my daughter on a very limited budget. Fall is the perfect time to get outside. Nature walks are fun and educational. Let your little ones collect leaves and pine cones and other things they find. When you get home you can research the leaves on the internet and find out what kind of leaves they are and find some fun facts about that type of tree. Once you are finished learning all you can about your find let the kids make a collage with the treasures … Continue reading

Spreading Smucker’s Traditions Recipe and Essay Contest,

The J.M. Smucker company which has been operating for 110 years never fails to offer fine tasting jams and jellies which make the family breakfast table a bit cozier. Smucker’s jams and jellies are also a healthier alternative to cream cheese or butter. Try some of your favorite fruit spread on an English muffin and you will gladly say goodbye to the high fat bagel and cream cheese habit. Unless, of course, you use fat free cream cheese and decide to add a dollop of Smucker’s fruit spread for a deluxe breakfast treat. Adding jams and jellies for sweetness instead … Continue reading

Does Your Family Have Easter Traditions?

Easter generally happens in April, (although sometimes it has fallen in March instead). There have been piles of Easter chocolates, candies, and toys in the grocery stores for a few weeks already, reminding us all that Easter is coming soon. It may make you think about your family’s Easter traditions. Many families have a long standing tradition of visiting the Easter Bunny. I’m not sure where this tradition started, and in many ways, it seems quite strange to me. Parents take their children to sit on the lap of a person who is wearing a rabbit costume, for the purpose … Continue reading

What’s Your Family’s New Year’s Eve Tradition?

Holiday traditions are an excellent way to make and keep connections with the other members of your family. Many people turn on the TV, catch the countdown, and watch the ball drop in Times Square. A lot of people will always spend New Year’s Eve surrounded by crowds at a large gathering. Does your family have a traditional way to celebrate on New Year’s Eve? It’s fairly common to make New Year’s Resolutions on December 31, or January 1, and some family traditions include telling people what your resolutions for the new year will be. If you, and a few … Continue reading

Holiday Traditions

My mom called recently to tell me that their beautifully decorated Christmas tree fell over. The tree took its plunge while Mom and Dad were sleeping. The tree was newly bought, installed, and decorated. The gallon of water keeping it fresh and supple burbled out onto the floor all night. Mom and Dad righted the tree and cleaned the mess. A few days later the tree fell over again. My parents’ tree had never fallen over before; a faulty tree stand is to blame. The neighbors’ tree fell over one year and our cat climbed our tree toppling it our … Continue reading

Is Technology Messing with Christmas Traditions?

Just how tech savvy is Santa anyway? Does the big guy in the red suit really communicate via a small smartphone? Are traditional paper letters to the North Pole on the brink of extinction? Are PDFs and instant messages the preferred method of sending one’s Christmas wish list to Jolly ol’ St. Nick? Say it ain’t so. Call me old-fashioned, stodgy, or a stalwart traditionalist, but I’m not a fan of the litany of new high-tech ways kids can communicate with Santa Claus. I don’t want my daughter emailing Santa, nor do I want her faxing, tweeting, Skyping, or texting … Continue reading

Creating New Christmas Traditions

When you are first married, you may find yourself pulled here and there juggling between two different families, but when your kids become a bit older, it is a good idea to carve out your own family traditions. There are a variety of things you can do over the holidays to create memories that will last forever. Christmas caroling is one tradition that seems to have fallen out of style lately, but it is a great way to spread the holiday cheer. You can carol in your neighborhood, in your ward, or at a hospital or nursing home. You can … Continue reading