Scrap the Love for Dad

I’m still kicking myself for not making an ABC scrapbook for Father’s Day. The problem with crafting ABC memory books is that they are not as quick and easy to assemble as standard themed scrapbooks (at least for me, anyway). Whenever I commit to creating an ABC scrapbook I need time to sketch layouts and gather materials that are appropriate for each of the 26 pages. Given that we are less than a week away from Father’s Day, it may be unrealistic to undertake the construction of an ABC memory album. However, there are several other options you can pursue … Continue reading

ABC Scrapbook for Dad

In honor of Father’s Day, scrapbook stores are having a field day hawking books, paper and embellishments that will make dear ol’ Dad a memory book he can cherish forever. My local scrapbook shop has a gigantic display showcasing a variety of albums dedicated to dads. Most of the books are pretty standard and illustrate how you can use a bunch of nifty tools and rather expensive embellishments to make eye-popping Father’s Day scrapbooks. I flipped through those pretty quickly, but found one that really made an impression. In fact, if it weren’t so close to Dad’s Day, I would … Continue reading

ABC Scrapbooks – Three Fabulous ABC Lists

Creating an ABC album is so much fun, but trying to think up ABC lists can be exhausting. I took some of the dirty work out of it for you, by including five ABC lists for different topics. I hope you enjoy and can find them useful for your own scrapbook albums and layouts. Animal ABC’s A – Aardvark, Alligator, Anaconda, Ant, Anteater, Antelope, Arctic Fox, Armadillo, B – Baboon, Badger, Bald Eagle, Bat, Bear, beaver, Bee, Bighorn Sheep, Bird, Bison, Black Widow Spider, Boa Constrictor, Bobcat, Bumblebee, Butterfly, Buzzard C – Camel, Canary, Cardinal, Cat, Catfish, Centipede, Chameleon, Cheetah, … Continue reading

Paper Bag Albums part one

Recently I met someone special that I simply adore. I wanted to let him know how special he is to me, so I decided to create a special album just for him. I find that mini albums are often a great way to show you care and can not only be fun to make, but a lot of fun to receive. After thinking about it, I decided that the easiest and best way to create the album was to make a simple paper bag album. The size was perfect and it fit right into my budget. It took me two … Continue reading